Monday, April 7, 2014

Trip to Baltimore and DC

We took the chance to visit Auntie Steph in Baltimore, and to explore DC for a few days while Tony was on vacation in late March. Max did as well as an almost two year old could, although there were many meltdowns at historical sites. He currently hates being strapped into his stroller, but refuses to hold our hands when out in public as well. This leads to a multitude of battles! He did well in the car, though, with the assistance of a portable DVD player with Yo Gabba Gabba and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. What a lifesaver!

He currently loves- spaceships, Mickey Mouse, lions and pretending to be a lion, splashing in puddles outside, dinosaurs, and being carried around the house by Mommy. He doesn't like- sitting in his high chair, sitting in his car seat, sitting in his stroller, and being told No.

drawing on Aunt Steph's chalkboard wall

Love/hate relationship with carosel

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas was spent visiting many family members in Pennsylvania (both Erie and Washington).  Max got lots of Elmo themed gifts, and has since lost interest in Elmo. His favorite gift was a weeble school bus from Nana. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Nana Gloria!

In honor of Nana's big birthday yesterday, here is a blog post to break the silence of news from the Max world recently! But before I begin, in my defense, it is REALLY HARD to capture this little ball of movement with my 2008, point and shoot digital camera! Believe me, I've tried. He's usually a bundle of movement that turns into a blur on film. So, sadly, until I get a new digital camera or figure out how to transfer my Iphone pictures to the blog (anyone? help!), documentation might be a bit spotty.

Helping us bake Christmas cookies

Hiding from Nacho to eat a cookie!

Big boy haircut!

Playing at the Strong with Marc

Friday, September 6, 2013

Vacation and the Pox

Our vacation to Lake Placid was thwarted this year as Max came down with the chicken pox ON THE DRIVE there. We stuck it out a few days before throwing in the towel and coming home early. I'm finally getting over the anger that our pediatrician inexplicably vaccinates for the pox at 15 months, rather than 12 months, which would have saved our vacation! Or maybe I need to breathe through it a little bit more while you enjoy the sparse, kind of crappy pics that we managed to scrape together when the Pox Outbreak hit.

Max's favorite room in the hotel suite

Olympic ski jumping

More ski jumping, did I mention it was rainy and cold too?

My pox baby

Sunday, September 1, 2013


While working on Max's baby book, I started looking through old photos of my time spent pregnant with him (September 2011- May 2012) and just had to share some of the more flattering ones with everyone. Now that I'm pretty much back to my pre-baby body (only with more stretch marks and a stubborn belly pooch that isn't going anywhere anytime soon), I have all but forgotten what it felt like to be 50 lbs heavier and carrying an alien creature that poked me from the inside. Its so humbling to be pregnant, especially in the third trimester when you're huge, unable to sleep, your clothes no longer fit, and the fear of labor and life with a newborn is looming. While I'm now thankful to be 15 months beyond that stage, it was a very real part of Max's development and life which I will never forget!!

6 weeks along.

NYE 2011, 4 months along
8 months, at my baby shower

Past due at this point and feeling HUGE

Don't worry, more Max pics coming soon! :)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Max's words

While T, M, and I are eating breakfast this morning, we're working on a list of Max's new words as they're popping up faster than we can remember them. In order of appearance:

Dada (more recently "Daddy")
Mama (sometimes "Mommy")
Balloon ("boon")
Banana ("nena")
Yummy ("mummy!")

There are also a few more sounds he makes consistently that we can't quite figure out what he means by, but he says them pretty confidently then looks at us like "come on you morons"!. (Meena, bwicka).

Commands he can understand/follow:
Blow a kiss
Wheres your hat? (Puts object on head)
Give a kiss to doggy, kitty, stuffed animal, person

He's still not walking, but is talking up a storm!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Max's First Birthday

Our sweet baby turned one on May 31st!! We celebrated by having a circus themed party on June 8th. Max loved visiting with his grandparents, auntie, and friends, and did a good job charming everyone by ripping his cupcake in half and smooshing it on his face during the cake eating event. He also loved playing with his dear friends, Ellie, Ari, Eli, Emmie, Lisa, John Henry, and Townes. This past year has been wonderful, and it has truly flown by in a flash. Happy Birthday to my new toddler!!

Car from Grandpa!